File Streaming and Overrides

File Streaming and Overrides

Figure-1: File Streaming and Overrides

File Selection and Streaming Status

  • .tap | .gcode | .nc | .ngc List of supported file types by the application, when user selects the file it will show the name of the selected file.
  • Clicking on this will open file picker to select the gcode file.
  • Total lines | Sent Shows the number gcode lines present in the file (blanks and comment lines are not included) and number lines sent to grbl.
  • Time elapsed Shows the time elapsed since the file streaming is started in the format of HH::mm:ss (pausing the streaming job will not pause this timer)
  • Overrides F:S:V Current overrides information
    1. F: Current feed override percentage.
    2. S: Current spindle override percentage.
    3. V: Current speed of variable spindle. (it appears only if variable spindle is enabled)
  • Check Toggles machine check mode.
    1. Check Check mode is off.
    2. Check Check mode is on.
  • File streaming start or pause button.
    1. Used to start the file streaming process
    2. If streaming is already started and running, it will pause it.
    3. If machine is in hold state it will resume the streaming.
  • Streaming stop button, this button behaviour can be configured in settings.
    1. Stop streaming and soft reset the machine.
    2. Just stop streaming. (machine may continue to run until its buffer gets empty.
  • Feed overrides, immediately alters the feed override value.
    1. F10 Decrease feed rate by 10%
    2. F1 Decrease feed rate by 1%
    3. F1 Increase feed rate by 1%
    4. F10 Increase feed rate by 10%

    NOTE: Long clicking on the any of the buttons will set the feed rate to its 100% of programmed rate

  • Spindle overrides, immediately alters the spindle speed override value.
    1. S10 Decrease feed rate by 10%
    2. S1 Decrease feed rate by 1%
    3. S1 Increase feed rate by 1%
    4. S10 Increase feed rate by 10%

    NOTE: Long clicking on the any of the buttons will set the spindle speed to its 100% of programmed speed

  • Rapid overrides, immediately alters the rapid override value.
    1. R100 Sets rapid feed rate to 100%
    2. R50 Sets rapid feed rate to 50%
    3. R25 Sets rapid feed rate to 25%

    NOTE: Current active rapid feed rate mode is highlighted with green color

  • Spindle control.
    1. Spindle Spindle is off
    2. Spindle Spindle is on

    NOTE: Spindle control will only work when machine is in "Hold" state. (this is the limitation from grbl firmware it self)

  • Flood coolant and Mist coolant control.
    1. Flood Mist Flood/Mist coolant is off
    2. Flood Mist Flood/Mist coolant is on

Streaming/Job Resume (Grbl Controller + version only)

Continue badly interrupted jobs, from nearly where they stopped.

Pre requirements.

  1. This feature only works in "Grbl Controller +"
  2. Incremental distance mode (G91) is not supported.
  3. In your previous job you should have completed at least 50 lines.
  4. Homing must be done if required, proper coordinate system (G54 to G59) should be selected.
  5. If you have used feed/spindle overrides in your previous job then, you have to do the same again if required.

Job resume process.

  1. Application will automatically prompt for job resume if it detects your most recent job was incomplete, and you are doing the same job again.
  2. Application will suggest a number of lines to skip, you can change the number to whatever you want.
  3. Application will parse and skips the number of lines given.
  4. Restores the feed rate, parser status etc..
  5. Decreases the rapid motion to 50%, and move the Z axis to zero position in machine coordinates.
  6. Restores machine position of X, Y axis. (also restores A, B axis if applicable)
  7. Enables coolant if required, starts the spindle if laser mode is not active.
  8. Restores the Z axis. (this is rapid move with 50% feed rate)
  9. Waits for 10 seconds before resuming streaming. (Here you have enough time to stop streaming if you noticed anything wrong or inappropriate.)
  10. Restores the rapid overrides to 100%. (If laser mode is enabled laser will turned on at this stage instead of in step 7.)
  11. Continues streaming normally